The sky is the limit! ¡El cielo es el límite!
Ok so here goes, my first post! I am not big on writing or even finding the right words to explain things but what I do know a lot about is passion. Passion for flying, passion for my family, passion for my girl and friends, my dog even! But the dream, the real dream is to share my passion. It’s to inspire others with my flying. Showing them that there is more, the sky is the limit. I try to get out there as much as possible to show people what it is like, show people that flying isn´t something difficult. But I can´t explain what it really feels like, that, my friends, you have to try yourselves! Just get in touch for the tandem experience, don´t think about it, do it! I promise you won´t regret it!Ok so here goes, my first post! I am not big on writing or even finding the right words to explain things but what I do know a lot of is passion. Passion for flying, passion for my family, passion for my girl and friends, my dog even! But the dream, the real dream is to share my passion. It’s to inspire others with my flying. Showing them that there is more, the sky is the limit. I try to get out there as much as possible to show people what it is like, show people that flying isn´t something difficult. But I can´t explain what it really feels like, that, my friends, you have to try yourselves! Just get in touch for the tandem experience, don´t think about it, do it! I promise you won´t regret it!
¡Vale, aquí está, mi primera entrada al blog! Esto de escribir no es lo mío, ni siquiera eso de encontrar las palabras para expresar lo que quiero decir pero de lo que sí entiendo un rato es pasión. Pasión por volar, pasión por mi familia, por mi chica, mis amigos, ¡¡incluso mi perro!! Pero el sueño, el sueño de verdad sería compartir mi pasión. Inspirar a otros volando. Enseñar a la gente que hay más, el cielo es el límite. Intento hacerlo todo lo que puedo, enseñar al público lo que es y cómo es, que vean que no es difícil. Pero no puedo transmitir exactamente cómo se siente. Eso, amigos míos, tendréis que probarlo para entenderlo. Empezad con un tándem, no os lo penséis, hacedlo. Prometo que no os arrepentiréis.