Family and Friends
This section was an absolute must because if it weren´t for all of these people and many many more I wouldn´t be who I am today. Thank you all for making me better day after day!
The most amazing woman ever who teaches me the most important things in life. Thank you mum for all your support and guidance.
The man who started all this. It was he who taught me to fly and he who pushed me further. Thank you dad for everything.
My little bro David is a constant motivation, he pushes me all the time to go that one step further.
My younger brother (middle brother) and his girlfriend, the one responsible for all our photos! Manu is the one that keeps me safe. His words of love always make me feel proud to be who I am. Marta, my sister-in-law dedicates a lot of her time to supporting and helping us. Thank you for your wonderful photos!
Not only does she try to be the best friend I´ve ever had, even when the going gets tough, but she also helps me out with my career every day,acting as manager, PR, translator and a long list of etc´s. Thanks for not giving up on me and having my back.
Raul and Barby have taught me so much, as a pilot and as a person. Thank you for all your love and kindness. You don´t know just how much you have given me.
You changed my life when I was just a boy telling me I could one day be like the acro pilots I admired so much. Thank you for all you have taught me.
Your patience teaching me and helping me become a better pilot I will never forget. Thank you for your friendship.
This is the first man to do acro with a Paramotor. I have learned a lot from him and he is very important to me. Photo by Red Bull.
Thank you for your constant support and wonderful friendship. Being part of the AirG family is an honour. Even when I drive you nuts because of my spanglish emails!
Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me.
Thank you for believing in me! It´s not always easy to understand me but your patience and dedication to helping me makes me better.
Thank you friendship and ongoing support.
Thank you for loving the Malaguitas! You are part of the family.
Thank you for always helping me no matter what!
Thank you for being my friend and making such a big impact on my life.
Thank you for your amazing videos and ideas. The best audiovisual production company ever!
Vicente, Javier, Ramón, Moncho, Carlos. Thank you guys for your support, guidance, trust and love. I love being a part of what I consider the best team ever!
Thank you for always motivating me!
A great person with a great heart! Awesome wingmounts too! Order yours now!
Thank you for always motivating and believing in me even when I don´t. Being able to learn from you is a great pleasure.
Thanks for being a great friend!
Thank you for being a great mate and all your help!
Your wise words and support mean a lot.
Thank you Mohamed for being an amazing friend. You are a very special person with a great heart.
Thanks to Emilia for all her help and trust. Working with you is always a pleasure.
Thanks for everything bro!
I don´t know how such humility, awesomeness and such a big heart can fit inside just one person. You are big Theo, very big. Thank you for coming to us, you are always welcome.
Great guys....but of course they are, they are Scout Dealers!!!
A big thank you to a wonderful photographer. Bellido, you are amazing!