Javier Tejeiro Lopez
Acro Malaguitas
About me
When people get married they promise to love one another until death do them part. I believe everyone gets married because they can´t imagine their life without the other person. That is the reason I fly and I am fully committed to being the best. It all started when I was 14 years old, my father, who also flies, invited me to go with him to the coupe Icare in St Hilaire du Touvet, France in 2001. To be honest I was always looking for an excuse not to go to school and therefore jumped at the opportunity. All I can say is that watching the pilots do their manoeuvres inspired me deeply and was love at first sight.
When I decided to try myself I couldn´t quite grasp what I was feeling. I wasn´t sure if I liked it or not, it was very confusing but I felt the need to do it again. A few times later I decided that I couldn´t do anything else, it had to be flying.
I believe this was the reason I was born and feel the moral obligation to do everything in my power to share my passion with the world and inspire others. I want to take my paramotor all over the world and put on a good show. I strive for perfection and love to learn, push the limits to get further and show others that impossible is only an opinion. I am serious about what I do and believe in working hard, being open minded and most importantly humble but “No” is just not an option.
Born in Competa, a village in Malaga, Spain, (and that my friends they say explains my craziness).
When I´m not driving the neighbours nuts testing out my paramotor engine or flying, I work as a mechanic in the family business, Tejauto, in Competa alongside my two younger brothers.
All three of us fly together as the Malaguitas Team.
It´s a shame but there aren´t competitions in Acro with Paramotor. There are acro competitions, cross competitions, slalom etc but not Paramotor Acrobatics. Apart from my two brothers and I there are only two other people in the world that do this type of acro with a paramotor.
I have just started getting into Slalom too but my heart is with Acro and always will be.
Competitions and Rankings can be seen on the FAI Civil World Ranking page:
Education and Work
Trained Mechanic - Tejauto - The family Business
2003 - present
I started training in the family business at 16. The garage we have in my hometown Competa is what has paid for most of our paramotors, gear, trips etc. I am so grateful to my parents and family that I try to be the best mechanic I possibly can to make sure the garage is successful.
Flight Steward
In 2007 whislt working at the garage I decided to study to become a flight steward. I have never worked as one, it´s just something I decided to do.